Quick visit

$ 400
30 mins


$ 500
1 Hour
  • Experience a one-hour teaser or 90 minutes for $600.


$ 800
2 Hour
  • Embarking on a magical journey with enchanting beginnings awaits.

Heart Stealer

$ 1200
3 Hour
  • A path where desires may captivate and claim your heart.

Romantic Interlude

$ 1500
4 Hour
  • Romantic tales require a pause before reaching the pinnacle.


$ 1800
5 Hour
  • Possible to overindulge? Just ask the infatuated one.

Overnight Bliss

$ 3000
12 Hour
  • Stay overnight; no need to depart if unwilling.

In Love

$ 4500
24 Hour
  • Together day and night, inseparable like devoted lovers.

Weekend Affair

$ 5500
48 Hour
  • Plan a weekend escape, just us, adventure awaits.


It is highly recommended to make a 30% pre-book deposit when planning a visit to your city to secure a date with me.

For touring sessions lasting 1 hour, a 50% non-refundable deposit is required. This deposit will only be reimbursed if I cancel my tour; however, if you cancel, the deposit is non-refundable. No excuses or exceptions will be made. This measure is in place to ensure the commitment of touring dates and cover travel expenses. The specified pricing is applicable only when the deposit is fulfilled; otherwise, regular pricing will be in effect.

For returning clients who have displayed unprofessionalism regarding timing and scheduling, a non-refundable deposit is mandatory for any date, reflecting poor behavior and etiquette.

When booking an overnight session, I request 8 hours of uninterrupted beauty sleep. If you choose to wake me up, please include an additional donation equivalent to the standard 1-hour rate at the end of our date.

All outcalls necessitate a 30% deposit to confirm the booking.

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